Virginia Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative
The Commonwealth of Virginia is committed to improving the treatment and care of Virginians with traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injuries. Through the establishment of the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative (CNI) Trust Fund, administered by a governor-appointed Advisory Board, funds are available periodically to Virginia-based organizations, institutions and researchers to address the needs of people with acquired neurotrauma. The Advisory Board disburses CNI funds through a periodic grant application process for research proposals and innovative community-based rehabilitation programs.

Life-to-Date, CNI has made over 60 grant awards totaling over $22 million in grant funding.

RECENTLY AWARDED RFA #28493: The Advisory Board to the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund recently awarded four multi-year grants intent on researching the mechanisms of neurotrauma or the treatment of neurotrauma, or both.
Or an intention to provide innovative, model community-based rehabilitative services by developing, expanding, evaluating, or improving community-based programs and services for people with traumatic brain injury or traumatic spinal cord injury, or both. These programs also expand opportunities for these individuals to become as independent and physically and functionally capable as possible.
UPCOMING MEETINGS: The CNI Trust Fund Advisory Board upcoming meetings for 2024 at 10:00 a.m. are:
- December 13
Exciting Happenings with CNI Grantees
DARS was recently featured on public television’s What it Takes. Jacole Thomas, Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund (CNI) administrator and Noel Anderson, a grantee who operates Anderson Music Therapy in Roanoke, offered an informative overview of how people with disabilities are benefitting from programs funded by CNI. Join host Tom Landon as he explores these innovative treatments and how they are provided through music therapy - What It Takes to Heal Through Music - WIT511
About the CNI
CNI Advisory Board
CNI Grantees
Funds shall be awarded only to Virginia-based organizations, institutions, and researchers, per Commonwealth of Virginia regulations [22VAC30-50-20].
How To Apply
DARS will only accept application electronically through eVA. Applications will be received until the closing date and time specified in the RFA. It is the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that proposals are received on time. The eVA system allows for the secured and sealed electronic submission of proposals. The Applicant shall make no other distribution of the proposal. Proposals submitted elsewhere, including to other state or federal agencies, will not be accepted. Mailed, faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted.
Applicants are solely responsible for reviewing, complying, and returning a complete and responsive proposal. Changes to the solicitation’s forms or formats are prohibited except where clearly instructed and permitted. In order to be considered for selection, Applicants should submit a complete response to this RFA. There must be:
- One signed original proposal in pdf format, including all Attachments.
- One signed copy of proposal in pdf format, including all Attachments, redacting any proprietary information, if applicable (must be labeled REDACTED COPY).
Applicants must be registered in eVA in order to submit an electronic proposal. The following are steps to receive instructions on how to submit an electronic application.
- Go to;
- Click on “I Sell To Virginia”;
- Click on “eVA Vendor Training”; and
- Click on “Respond to IFBs - RFPs and more”.
If an Applicant needs assistance submitting an electronic response, the Applicant must contact eVA Customer Care at 866-289-7367 or email prior to the closing date and time.
Prior to the due date, Applicants should:
- Check the status of the solicitation on eVA at www.eva.virginia.govby clicking on Business Opportunities and then click on Virginia Business Opportunities (VBO) for any updates, changes, amendments, cancellations, etc.; and
- Complete all attachments, amendments, exhibits, product information, etc. and attach electronically to the Applicant’s electronic submission.