Advisory Board

As specified in the Code of Virginia (§ 51.5-12.3), the Commonwealth Neurotruama Initiative Trust Fund Advisory Board is responsible for administering the CNI Trust Fund.

Richard Bagby
Richard Bagby (Chair)

Seat Requirement: One Virginian with traumatic spinal cord injury or a caretaker thereof. Valued Board Member since July 2021.

Joshua Sloan
Joshua Sloan (Vice Chair)

Seat Requirement: One citizen-at-large who shall not be an elected or appointed public official. Valued Board Member since July 2021.

Kathryn Hayfield
Kathryn Hayfield

Commissioner of Virginia Department for Again and Rehabilitative Services. Standing Member.

Heather Board
Heather Board, MPH

Virginia Department of Health designee. Standing Member.

David Reid
David Reid, PsyD

Seat Requirement: One person licensed by a health regulatory board within the Virginia Department of Health Professions with experience in brain or spinal cord injury rehabilitative programs or services. Valued Board Member since July 2017.

David Cifu
David Cifu, MD

Seat Requirement: One person licensed to practice medicine in Virginia experienced with brain or spinal cord injury. Valued Board Member since January 2014.

Raighne Delaney
Raighne Delaney J.D.

Seat Requirement: One Virginian with traumatic brain injury or a caretaker thereof. Valued Board Member since July 2016.

The Advisory Board:

  • Administers the Fund in cooperation with the Commissioner of Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, in accordance with such regulations as established for the Fund by the Commissioner.
  • Recommends to the Commissioner of the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services the policies and procedures for the administration of the Fund, including criteria for reviewing and ranking grant applications, distribution of funds, and areas of research need (§ 51.5-12.2);
  • Reviews and ranks or arranges for reviewers and technical advisers to review and rank grant applications for education, basic science and clinical research, and rehabilitative research and community-based rehabilitative services (the Advisory Board may appoint grant reviewers and other technical advisers to assist it in its duties. Such reviewers and technical advisers are to be appointed in such manner as to provide equal representation from Virginia's three medical schools. Whenever reviewers or technical advisers sit as a committee, the chairman of the Advisory Board or his designee will serve as chairman);
  • And reports annually on October 1, to the Governor and the General Assembly, aggregate data on the operations and funding of the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative Trust Fund.

Additionally, The Commissioner of the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services will promulgate regulations establishing procedures and policies for soliciting and receiving grant applications and criteria for reviewing and ranking such applications, including, but not limited to, goals, timelines, forms, eligibility, and mechanisms to ensure avoidance of any conflicts of interest or appearances thereof. The Commissioner will also receive the recommendations of the Advisory Board prior to promulgating or revising any regulations.


Download a copy of the Advisory Board Bylaws.

Annual Reports

The Code of Virginia Section § 51.5-12.3(C)(4) requires the Commonwealth Neurotrauma Initiative (CNI) Advisory Board to “…report annually on October 1, to the Governor and the General Assembly, aggregate data on the operations and funding of the . . . [CNI Trust Fund]."

Download a copy of the Triennial Report 12, 13, 14

Download a copy of the Triennial Report 15, 16, 17

The Advisory Board consists of seven members:

  1. One person licensed to practice medicine in Virginia experienced with brain or spinal cord injury
  2. One person licensed by a health regulatory board within the Virginia Department of Health Professions with experience in brain or spinal cord injury rehabilitative programs or services
  3. One Virginian with traumatic spinal cord injury or a caretaker thereof
  4. One Virginian with traumatic brain injury or a caretaker thereof
  5. One citizen-at-large who shall not be an elected or appointed public official
  6. The Commissioner of Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
  7. The State Health Commissioner

The Commissioner of Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services and the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Health may appoint designees to serve on the Advisory Board. Board members are appointed by the Governor and serve four-year terms. Nominations for appointments may be submitted, at the discretion of the Governor, from relevant organizations.

Interested in joining the CNI Board?

Just click You can review current list of vacancies as well as submit an application

**The Commissioner of the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services and the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Health may appoint designees to serve on the Advisory Board.

Contact Us

Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
8004 Franklin Farms Drive, Richmond, VA 23229

Email: Jacole Thomas  (804) 662-7154

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